Before the better-half and I got married, I let my cats sleep with me at night. I could almost always count on one of them wanting to be on the bed with me for all or part of the night. Leon would often bother me for a petting or he’d want to get under the blanket with me. Of course, if he was under the blanket I was supposed to hold the blanket off of him so he could enjoy some warm cave action. As you can imagine, there were times when I just didn’t sleep well. Add to that mix my cat hair allergy and you understand why I finally said the bedroom door needed to be shut at night.
Since Tac died, we’ve been experimenting with leaving the door open at night after the better-half comes to bed. Leon typically doesn’t come into our bedroom at any time of the day and he generally sleeps on the guest bed. In the morning, I quite often find Leon laying in the threshold of our room waiting for me to wake up and feed him. Sometimes if I sleep too late or if he can tell I’m awake, he’ll meow to let me know he’s waiting.
This morning I had the strangest dream that Leon was stuck in a box made out of something like carpet. I was sliding a 5-in-1 tool into the opening to make the hole bigger. In the dream, Leon had looped a piece of fiber on the inside of the box with one of his canines and was pulling on it. I finally got him out of the box and gave him enough petting so as he started to purr. At about that time in the dream, I started to get the sensation that my ankle bones were aching. Then I started to wake up and realized Leon was actually laying across my ankles, cleaning himself.
I hadn’t heard him walk in the room or felt him jump on the bed. I’m not sure how long he was there because shortly after I woke up he jumped down and resumed his usual post at the threshold.