In reading this Yahoo article about sealife eating other sealife:
Cetaceans — a category of sea creatures that includes whales and dolphins — and other sea mammals like seals, consume vast quantities of food, an estimated 500 million tonnes, at least four times the annual human catch of fish. Nice try whalers, but in case you hadn’t noticed there’s a reason why whales and dophins eat so much more than humans–they are FREAKING HUGE.
And, furthermore, as every school-age kid knows whales eat krill.
The research found that whales and other species were mainly feeding either in seas where there was little human fishing, such as Arctic and Antarctic zones, or the whales were eating organisms humans do not catch, such as tiny plankton and organisms that live out of reach of trawl nets.
Why there needed to be a “study” to prove what we already know, is something I just don’t understand.