F&G is 1 Year Old

Frog and Goat is a year old today. The entries have gotten better don’t you think?

On Saturday we started the work on replacing the door between the garage and basement. We worked diligently for most of the afternoon and got the frame installed. Around 6pm, my sister called and said they had just finished dinner and wanted some ice cream. She said they’d bring some over and we could have some with them. I told her we hadn’t had dinner yet but to come on over because everyone knows dessert before dinner is not at all a bad thing.

We hung out for about an hour or so with the Niece and her parents. Then they left so that the Niece could get her bath and get into bed around the normal time.

After they left, we made dinner. I really wanted seafood and we had stocked up on supplies earlier in the day. We had about a pound and a half of shrimp, a dozen scallops and some cod.

The better-half used the bamboo steamer in the wok to cook the scallops and the cod. Here’s what he did: In the first layer of the steamer (nearest the water), he arranged the scallops. Then he salted and peppered them and added some chopped parsley. In the next layer of the steamer, he cut the cod into about four pieces and arranged them on a bed of fresh dill. He salted and peppered the pieces of fish. Then sprinkled on some more of the fresh parsley and added some dried chopped chives. He let the steamer steam for 8 minutes for the scallops and then he left the other layer with the fish for an additional 4 minutes or so.

I created a broth in which to boil the shrimp. Here’s what went into the pot: 1 bottle of chardonnay (one of those little ones from a 4-pack), water, a stalk of celery, 1/4 of an onion, a handful of parsley and a handful of dill (I didn’t cut the herbs just threw them in) and a very generous amount of old bay. I boiled that broth and then tossed in the shrimp. They were done in a couple of minutes. I used one of those bamboo handled skimmer things to get the shrimp out of the pot and made a note to tie up the herbs next time.

We had a small salad and some plain white rice to accompany the seafood feast. We drank a bottle of sparkling wine with dinner and for the life of me I can’t remember the name of the wine. We’ve had it before and we get it from Total Wine. The price is around $11 per bottle and I recommend it….go forth and find that needle in that haystack.

What your mother says about not spoiling your dinner with ice cream is right. I couldn’t eat the shrimp. We had the majority of them as an appetizer last night for dinner.

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2 Responses to F&G is 1 Year Old

  1. Bootsy says:

    :) I arrived here looking for some info on how people feel about B-Dry (surprisingly not a whole lot out there). Ended up reading most of your site… heh heh. Addicting. :)

    Anyway, whaddya think? We’re moving into an older house (1927) that has a solid concrete brick foundation but is horribly leaky. I was curious how satisfied you are. How dry is it now? Is it not wet, but still humid? And of course, I’m curious on the most elusive topic, what it cost you.

    Thanks for any light you can shed my way.

    Tony Ketz
    Ann Arbor Mi

  2. Deb says:

    Happy 1 Year!

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