If you don’t want to hear about feminine hygiene don’t read this

This morning I woke up and the CRAMP was upon me. I’ll tell you this much, I’m counting the years until I’m through with this whole reproductive part of my life. How ironic that I waited and waited and waited afraid that I wouldn’t get my period and I’d be laughed out of 8th grade only to now hate it and wish it gone.

I got on the treadmill this morning and walked for 30 minutes at not a particularly fast pace since I felt like crap but I got 30 minutes in and the whole time I was walking I was thinking exercise is supposed to help with the CRAMP. Yeah, blow me conventional wisdom. I think it is something the medical field tells women so that they’ll exercise. I exercised on top of a Motrin and as soon as I was done I took 2 more. For those of you at home that’s 3 Motrin in an hour. I’m planning on taking as many as the bottle says I can in a 24 hour period (no pun intended).

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1 Response to If you don’t want to hear about feminine hygiene don’t read this

  1. Valerie says:

    Evening Primrose Oil. Works wonders for helping cramps, but it does act like a blood thinner (then again so does aspirin and gingko biloba).

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