I thought I should give an update on my family situation. My parents got home from their 15 day trip (to many places in Florida, on a cruise, to one place in North Carolina) on Saturday and on Sunday we got a phone call asking us to come over to see pictures and to pick up a t-shirt. I’ll be honest and say that when I heard the message I felt a bit panicked. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do and I was kind of in a bad mood since we had just been to Home Depot and their self-checkout lane was totally fugged and I can’t stand incompetence. I decided that if we didn’t go then I would be the one who wasn’t trying so we went.
I’m not saying that things are back to the way they were but I didn’t get the hostility vibe that I’ve gotten the past several times I’ve seen my father. I consider that progress. We didn’t have any heart-felt conversations but we didn’t avoid each other and we both participated in conversation about their trip and he actually was in greet mode at the door–of course he was hiding behind a palm leaf–the Niece was on her way over too.
We all thought the palm leaf would be a little scary but she marched right in and disarmed my father and made that palm leaf her own. It was nice to see her wrap my father back around her finger.
Yipee! I thought the vibe was quite relaxed too. Grace has that effect on the old pappy. I guess he will be comotose when her sister arrives!(one can only hope! Just kidding). I am glad you feel better about things. Maria