The white paint has been on the tile in the yellow bathroom for a couple of weeks now and it seems pretty sturdy. I haven’t turned on the shower in there yet because I’m a little nervous. We still need to pick a color to go on the top row of tile so that row looks pretty bad compared to the other tiles since it still just has the primer look. I wish the pictures had come out better, but if you aren’t closely examining the tile you could be fooled that it is new tile–especially if you look in the bathroom from the hallway. The painted tile is, naturally, much whiter than the tile on the floor and I’m not sure if I should paint that over or what we should do.
Find it, please
Hey! The tile looks amazing! I know we chatted about this before you dipped the paintbrush, but what kind of paint did you end up using? hmmm. Paint. The poor man’s wallpaper. me likey!