Last Thursday I got to babysit the Niece and I can’t believe I haven’t told this story yet. The Niece has a plastic tricycle that looks kind of like a Big Wheel but it has a long plastic handle on the back so that you can push her around. Her feet don’t reach the pedals yet so she parks them on the little foot rest and gets pushed. We were racing up and down the front porch and around the porch swing which I thought was kind of dangerous but my sister said it was ok. I should mention that there are about 10 large, steep steps leading up to their porch. They live on a hill and the porch extends over the hill…if that makes any sense. You wouldn’t want to fall off the porch.
Ok, so we’re racing about and the Niece is also holding onto her bubbles (which really are the best things in the world) and it is hard to hold onto your handlebars and bubbles at the same time, especially at the same time your aunt is pushing you at Mach 1. Guess what happened as we were skidding to a halt–the cool kind of skid that you see cars in commercials doing all the time–that’s right the little daredevil spilled off the bike. She looked back at me…I smiled and she laughed and got back on the bike. That’s my kind of girl.