Missed Opportunity

We went to Morgantown last weekend to see Mountain Stage at WVU. It snowed. We sent a lot of time in our Hampton Inn room. Show was cancelled a few hours before start time. Did I say we spent a LOT of time at the Hampton Inn?

Recap of weekend: Maryland is serious about clearing roads. I’m pretty sure we still want to see Mountain Stage. Cumberland, MD looks like a neat destination. Morgantown looks like a place to visit when the timing isn’t winter. The Jersey Mike’s in Middleburg, MD is possibly the nicest sub joint I’ve experienced.

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No water

This is really just for me in a year or so when I ask myself, when did the city not have any water?

The answer is January 2025…the crazy taxes we agree to pay doesn’t help stupid, lazy, and ancient equipment.

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Merry, Merry

Can you tell I generated this with AI?

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If you’ve read this blog for a long time (exactly zero of you), you’ll know I’ve struggled with how my father ignored me for about 19 years. He got dementia and so one day he completely forgot that he was mad about whatever made him mad all those years ago and was happy to see me. All through the pandemic he and my mother, along with the better-half were what you’d call a pod. We hung out and saw each other quite a bit. That time didn’t really make up for those long years of silence, but what else are you going to do but humor a dementia-stricken person.

He died on December 4th.

We’ve been helping my mom get things in order including everything from trimming the bushes around the house to killing the silverfish that were ravishing the paper in the house. She’s doing OK and the silverfish are dying.

Not sure what else to say about this.

I found this quote which is kind of apropos, although not exactly about this subject:

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”
― Rainer Maria Rilke

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Heavy heart

Not the best week. I hope in 4.5 years there’s still a democratic United States that’s very diverse.

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We went to Hawaii for two weeks in late September/early October. I recommend two week vacations especially if you are tripping across multiple time zones. We went to Maui, Hawaii and Kauai. We took a helicopter ride on Kauai and now I want a helicopter. I have no idea where we will put it, how much it will cost, or even how to fly it. No matter.

Holei Sea Arch on the Big Island.












We drove the road to Hana and it was harrowing. I do not know why that trip is a recommended trip. After being terrified of one lane bridges on hair-pin turns and assholes not paying a lick of attention, you end up here which is pretty but not worth it.












Also, Lahaina is heart-breaking.

Kauai is magnificently beautiful. I recommend. This is Spouting Horn.

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Not sure

I’ve been asked to be the manager for someone I think of as a friend. Jesus that’s hard.

We talked today. She says it’s OK for me to run away. How can I do that?

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Sheep, sheep, sheep

Sheep and dog
We’ve had a flock of sheep in our backyard all week clearing brush for us. They’ve done a great job. I didn’t know that sheep have the zoomies, but they do.

They also are very chatty when their human shows up to check on them. Today I was in the enclosure adjusting a piece of fence around a hydrangea when one of the smaller sheep basically said she needed some loving. So she got lots of pettings and scratches. That made my day.

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July – seven months in already

We had a low-key lunch yesterday with my parents, one of my sisters, her husband, and her (adult!) children. Lovely time and my dementia-addled father had a good time. The better-half is a rock star with my father. We did not go to see any fireworks and, honestly, I was in bed before 9:30. I was really tired and slept like a stone only waking up once at midnight and then at 3:30-ish when the cat got on the bed to cuddle up.

This morning the better-half and I both took naps after breakfast and dang we needed that. I don’t know about y’all but this year has been nothing but exhausting.

Yep, that’s it. That’s the post.

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Anniversaries and good byes

I celebrated my work anniversary at the beginning of the month. I’ve worked at the place for eleven years. This is the longest I’ve worked anywhere. It feels good. This year, though, is a time of change for the place where I work. We are in competition for some contract work like we’ve never been before and our senior leadership team has just shaken things up by re-arranging and downsizing their own ranks.

Change is good and it is how we move forward, but I am a bit sad and excited for those changes. The downsizing means I won’t be reporting to my manager any longer as he is leaving the organization. He and I came together as part of a re-org so it seems fitting that we’re ending as a result of one. He was a good leader for me and I hope some of the lessons learned will come in handy later. Who am I kidding, of course they will. I’m also hopeful that some of the things I’ve been working on for the last year or so will finally stop being roadblocked for whatever reason and we can move forward. It will be a time of growth for me and, more importantly, a time of growth for other people on my team.

In other goodbyes, I’m doing PT for my left knee to get rid of the nearly constant low-level pain. Apparently, there’s hope for this thing yet. In the manipulation/massage part of the session yesterday, the therapist said good work, I can tell this tight spot is not as ropey. The power of doing your homework, kids.

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